Emsculpt in The Woodlands, TX

Conveniently located to serve Houston and Montgomery County

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What is Emsculpt?

Stubborn fat is difficult to get rid of no matter how hard patients diet or exercise, but with Emsculpt, it can be melted away. This treatment also tightens and builds muscle, leaving patients with toned, sculpted, and strengthened abdomens, thighs, and more. Contact Rivela Plastic Surgery to find out more about Emsculpt in Houston.

How Does Emsculpt Work?

Rivela Plastic Surgery is pleased to be the first in the Woodlands to offer Emsculpt, FDA-approved revolutionary new treatment utilizing electromagnetic energy to take this popular procedure a step further by combining fat reduction with muscle toning. Over the past few years, nonsurgical fat reduction treatments such as coolsculpting have exploded in popularity around the world. Now there is a new noninvasive, non-surgical treatment that not only reduces fat but tones the muscles as well. With no downtime, incisions, surgery, or needles, Emsculpt actually produces the first-ever non-invasive butt lift. The result is a slimmer and more toned appearance for the buttocks and abdomen with actual improvements in muscle endurance and strength as well as definition. In most abdominal patients, the fat thickness of their abdomen was reduced on average by 19.2% or 3.4 mm. In clinical trials patients had an abdominal muscle thickness increase of 15.8% as well as a waist circumference decrease average of 1.2 inches (after 4th treatment) and 1.6 inches (after the last treatment). Emsculpt actually produces the first ever non-invasive butt lift yielding a 96% Average Patient Satisfaction.

Who is a Candidate for Emsculpt?

Patients who are looking for a non-surgical solution to stubborn fat and sagging muscles are ideal candidates for Emsculpt. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations before undergoing this sculpting and contouring procedure.

Emsculpt is not intended as a weight-loss option for those still planning on losing a significant amount of weight. Heavy drinkers or smokers will also get fewer benefits from this procedure.


My Emsculpt Consultation at Rivela Plastic Surgery

During your consultation, your medical history will be carefully reviewed. Studies have shown that patients with a BMI of 25% or less are the best candidates. Emsculpt Body Contouring is compatible with both men and women and all skin types, though there are factors to determine whether you are an appropriate Emsculpt candidate. Rivela Plastic Surgery offers a full array of services to help you reach your goals and customize your care.

My Emsculpt Treatment

A standard EmSculpt is only four 30-minute treatments (two treatments one week followed by two treatments the second week) making Emsculpt a convenient treatment for individuals with a busy schedule. Emsculpt body contouring does not require any preparation before your treatment and has no downtime. You can even work out the next day. (shared female patient age 53) “After each of my Emsculpt, I wasn’t sore at all. If anything, I felt even more fit and ready to run. Thank you Dr Rivela for making me look and feel younger! I love my result!”

How Much Does Emsculpt Cost?

The cost of Emsculpt will depend on several factors, including the length of the sessions, the extent of the issues being treated, and the number of treatment sessions required. The number of areas that need sculpting will also affect the overall price.

Contact Us

Patients are encouraged to schedule a consultation to learn more about what Emsculpt in Houston involves. During their consultation, they will be able to ask any questions they may have. If you are frustrated by stubborn fat or body concerns, call for a complimentary consultation with our caring staff at 281.681.3905, to see if Emsculpt is right for you

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